Town Office Hours
Monday: 10 AM - 2 PM
Wednesday: 3 - 7 PM
1st Saturday: 8 - 11 AM
Town of Starks

The library is always open during town office business hours We have a variety of book sections in the upstairs hallway: a Western section that includes popular authors; an international crime section; a Stephen King section; plus sections on gardening, cooking, arts & crafts, and sports including hunting and fishing. The downstairs area includes books by Maine authors for adults, young adults, and children; adult fiction and non-fiction sections; a young adult fiction section; and books in large print. The children's section includes picture books, easy readers, and chapter books. In our cozy reading nook we have a children's book display that changes seasonally.
Use of the library is encouraged even when no one from the library committee is available. Look around, find the books you would like to take with you, and check them out in the sign out log provided on the librarian's desk. Include the book title and author, your name, and the date. When you return the books, note the date returned. If it's your first time taking out books, please leave your name, address, and contact information on the inner cover of the notebook.
We have two computers available for public use: one located in the library and one located in the hall just as you head through the door to go upstairs.
The Starks library Committee appreciates and thanks all the community members and volunteers for their continued support.