Town Office Hours
Monday: 10 AM - 2 PM
Wednesday: 3 - 7 PM
1st Saturday: 8 - 11 AM
Town of Starks
Lets party!
Community Center Rental Rates
Resident $25 per day
$15 per half day
Non Resident $150 per day
$75 per half day
Resident $20 per day
$10 per half day
Non Resident $80 per day
$40 per half day
If you're interested in reserving the Community Center for an event, call the town office to reserve your spot! 207-696-8069 Prior to your event you'll be required to sign a rental agreement and leave a $50 refundable deposit. Keys and rental agreement are usually obtained during Wednesday business hours (3PM - 7 PM) before your event, but special arrangements can be made with Town Office staff if needed. Starks has a strict carry in/carry out policy for renting and no alcohol is permitted on the premises unless under the discretion of a licensed caterer.